A Milestone in Reproductive Rights: Advocating for The Right to IVF Act

Advocacy groups achieve a new milestone and sets up for the future of reproductive rights

A Milestone in Reproductive Rights: Advocating for The Right to IVF Act
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A Milestone in Reproductive Rights: Advocating for The Right to IVF Act

Last week, in Washington, D.C., a historic event unfolded in the fight for reproductive rights—the Senate hearing for The Right to IVF Act (S. 4445). This groundbreaking bill, introduced by Senators Tammy Duckworth, Patty Murray, and Cory Booker, seeks to establish a nationwide right to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and remove barriers to treatment, making this essential service accessible to millions of families.
The vote, though expected to face significant challenges, was a monumental moment as it marked the first time a bill focused on IVF reached the Senate floor. This underscores the growing recognition of the importance of fertility treatments and the need to protect and expand access to them.
Although the Senate vote fell short, with 48 Senators voting to advance the bill, we remain resolute in our commitment to advocating for these rights. Barbara Collura, President and CEO of RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, emphasized that this is not the end of the fight. The introduction of this bill is a significant win for advocates, and we will continue to work until IVF access is guaranteed nationwide.
We were also heartened by the presence of over 80 advocates who attended the hearing, witnessing the vote and demonstrating their support in a very real way. They represent a community that will continue to push for change, embodying the resilience and determination of those affected by infertility.
At Sama Fertility, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to create the family they dream of, and this legislation is a significant step toward making that a reality. Our mission is to support every family-building journey, and we stand with RESOLVE and all advocates in this crucial fight. We are committed to continued education and advocacy on behalf of the one in six who face infertility.
RESOLVE’s statement highlights the ongoing commitment to this cause: “This is not the end of our fight for family building for all. We will continue until everyone in this country has access to the family building options they need and the availability of IVF is guaranteed in all 50 states. Introducing this bill was already a big win for advocates of increasing access to fertility treatments. Our work led to this comprehensive legislation, and we are not giving up.”
Statements of support are crucial, but they must be backed by action. We urge elected officials to listen to their constituents—85% of Americans support access to IVF. The fight for family building is far from over, and we will continue to educate and advocate on behalf of the one in six who face infertility.
If you want to show your support for The Right to IVF Act, we encourage you to make a video sharing what this legislation means to you. Post it on Instagram or X, tag @resolve.org, and use the hashtags #RighttoIVF and #IVFforAll.
Sama Fertility is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to the fertility treatments they need. The Right to IVF Act represents hope for millions, and together, we can ensure that these essential services are available to all. For more information on our services and commitment to accessible fertility care, visit Sama Fertility.

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Written by

Sarthak Sawarkar
Sarthak Sawarkar

Chief Executive Officer at Sama