SelfStart-IVF by Sama: Catalyzing Your Fertility Journey

Hate the notion of sitting in anxiety inducing waiting rooms of fertility clinics? Introducing the fastest way to diagnose your infertility-SelfStart-IVF. SelfStart lets you take complete control on your fertility journey.

SelfStart-IVF by Sama: Catalyzing Your Fertility Journey
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SelfStart-IVF by Sama: Catalyzing Your Fertility Journey


Starting Your Fertility Journey? Don't Let Long Wait Times Hold You Back

I recently met a woman at an advocacy event who shared her heartfelt and frustrating journey with infertility. She had been "in treatment for infertility" with her OB/GYN for seven long years, taking Clomid because nothing seemed "wrong" with her. Despite her commitment and hope, she wasn't getting closer to her dream of starting a family. It was only after finally consulting with a fertility specialist that she began to see progress. In a matter of months, she was able to achieve her family-building goals, a stark contrast to the years she spent without specialized care.

The Challenge: Long Wait Times for Fertility Doctors

One of the primary reasons for these prolonged struggles is the lengthy wait times to see a fertility doctor. In the United States, there are only about 1,100 fertility doctors, or Reproductive Endocrinologists (REIs), serving millions of people. This scarcity leads to significant delays in scheduling appointments. Typically, the journey to fertility treatment starts with an initial anxiety inducing consultation, which can take weeks, if not months, to secure. Even after this first visit, multiple stressful follow-up appointments are often necessary before you can start planning your IVF treatment cycle.

Introducing SelfStart-IVF: A Solution to Long Wait Times, and Dreadful Waiting Rooms.

At Sama, we understand how precious time is when it comes to starting your family. That's why we've created SelfStart-IVF, a revolutionary service designed to kickstart your fertility journey and eliminate those frustrating wait times.

Why Choose SelfStart?

1. Fast-Track Your Journey

By beginning the necessary pretesting with Sama, you eliminate months of waiting. This allows you to focus on what truly matters - starting your family.

2. Take Control of Your Timeline

No more waiting on clinic schedules. With SelfStart, you decide when to begin your journey. This flexibility puts you in control, making the process less stressful and more empowering.

3. Streamlined Process

Our efficient and comprehensive pretesting process is designed to seamlessly integrate with your reproductive endocrinologist's treatment plan. This makes your first visit more productive and meaningful, as your doctor can immediately start planning your treatment based on your pretesting results.

4. Clarity from the Start

Many patients are unsure of where to begin. SelfStart provides you with the guidance and clarity you need to navigate your fertility journey with confidence. You’ll enter your first consultation with a clear understanding of your fertility status and the next steps.

5. Cost Savings

By reducing the number of initial consultations needed with a Reproductive Endocrinologist, SelfStart helps you save money that would otherwise be spent on multiple appointments. This cost-effective approach ensures you get the most value out of every visit to your specialist.

Is SelfStart-IVF the Right Next Step for You?

SelfStart-IVF is designed for individuals and couples who:
  • Want to have a productive first consult with a fertility doctor
  • Have been trying to conceive without success
  • Have previously undergone unsuccessful intrauterine inseminations (IUIs)
  • Are dealing with known male factor infertility
  • Have a previous diagnosis of infertility and are looking for a more efficient and effective path to treatment

Treatment Cost

The cost of SelfStart-IVF ranges from $250-500 (insurance/self-pay) and includes:
  • Bloodwork Scripts - Self-pay price includes the cost of bloodwork. Insurance pricing may differ; please confirm pricing with your payor.
  • Ultrasound Scripts - Pretesting ultrasounds are always charged through insurance. Self-pay pricing may differ based on location.
  • Treatment Consult with a double board-certified REI
  • Priority treatment scheduling
  • Clinical grade at-home male semen testing with our partners Fellow (add-on, optional)

Get Started Today

Choosing SelfStart means choosing to take control of your fertility journey-today. Here’s how to get started in just three easy steps:
  1. Click to order and create your Sama account. This takes less than 2 minutes.
  1. Provide a copy of your government-issued ID to verify your identity and order your testing scripts.
  1. Use a valid credit or debit card for payment.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Just like the woman I met, many others have experienced similar frustrations and delays. While results are not guaranteed, SelfStart by Sama can significantly catalyze the process, providing a quicker, clearer, and more cost-effective path to starting your family.
With Sama, your path to IVF becomes clearer, quicker, and more cost-effective. Begin your pretesting now and make your first doctor's visit count. Take control of your fertility journey with SelfStart-IVF by Sama.

For more information, visit our website or contact us directly to speak with one of our fertility specialists. Your journey to parenthood starts here.

Join us to explore your family-building options, tailored to naturally fit your life.

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Written by

Sarthak Sawarkar
Sarthak Sawarkar

Chief Executive Officer at Sama